
Your timemachine!

Go get the best from the past end leave the rest. Meet them all. Your love ones, friends, and anyone significant person from your life. Forgiveness to some and maybe to your self. Recognition and acceptance.

Or perhaps another dream trip on your wish list!

The gift of your life, literally!

Maybe a gift idea?

How does it work - whats the catch?

You plan the journey to all the places you want to go. The coach meets you there, and together you travel around visiting places, events, and the entire cast of characters from your life.

If you'd like, I can help document the trip for you, whether it is videos or pictures, so you have something for your memory album.

Whether you want to come to terms with your past and clear out your memories or simply polish them off, these journeys are for you who want to give yourself the greatest gift.

To revisit and meet people and places from your life. Both those you remember and perhaps also those you have forgotten. It's a chance to watch the movie about yourself and maybe recreate it into an even more positive experience.

You will carry peace and joy with you wrapped up in your own story, your own experiences.

I as your coach will walk you through. We travel, talk, eat and experiences together. For a few days its all about you and your life.


"Nothing is impossible because the word itself says 'I'm possible'."

Audrey Hepburn

This is serious business.

Go all the way back. Birthplace, city of birth, schools, grandparents, friends, boyfriends, spouses and everyone and everywhere in between.

Its your trip and all the attention is on your life. Get the best and leave the rest. A propper cleanup!

This is all about joy.

This journey is about gathering all the good from your life.

You come home with polished memories of people, places and goals you have achieved. All of which has made you who you are today.

This is the sticker you need to fill the album.
Do you have places in the world that you would like to visit but no one to travel with?

Maybe you would like to visit a place alone but still have an impartial travel partner. Perhaps you just want someone along for the sake of company.

Someone who can assist with all the practicalities. Someone to talk to or someone to make you feel safe.

If you're curious and interested in learning more, please fill out the form with your name and email, and click send.

I'll get back to you via email. Here, I will inquire about your interest in a trip with EpiqueVoyage, and you will have the opportunity to ask any questions you might have.

You will be assigned a login so that you can gain a more detailed insight into the available options, pricing, and more.

If you are still interested in proceeding, we will work together to reach a consensus on the framework and content of the trip.

Finally you'll receive various declarations and terms that need to be filled out and signed. From there, it's just a matter of planning, and off we go!

Ready to start your journey?

By clicking send, I will reach out to you via email. There, we can discuss your wishes, and you can ask any questions you may have. You will receive a login that grants you access to more detailed information regarding content, terms, and pricing.

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